In a thought-provoking episode of The Route podcast, host Chris Nascimento explores the journey of Erik Grosman, Director of Social Engagement Strategy at Umpires Media Inc. Grosman's story offers valuable insights into the pursuit of one's passion, the challenges of transitioning from a dream job, and finding fulfilment beyond the confines of a...
Read MoreOn Ep. 166 of The Route with William Ord, Philanthropy Coordinator at Blue Jays Care, host Chris Nascimento sat down with William Ord, the philanthropy coordinator at Jays Care Foundation, to delve into his inspiring career journey and the impactful work he does with the foundation. From humble beginnings as a podcast host to his current role in...
Read MoreA Route with Vestible Founders Parker Graham and Yves Batoba In the latest episode of The Route, host Christopher Nascimento had an enlightening conversation with Parker Graham and Yves Batoba, the visionary minds behind Vestible. Their company, Vestible, is on a mission to revolutionize the relationship between athletes and their fans through...
Read MoreIn episode 164 of The Route - podcast, Austin Trudeau generously shared his remarkable journey from studying psychology to venturing into entrepreneurship, ultimately leading to his involvement with the Rydel Franchise Group. His story offers invaluable insights into the intersection of academia and practical business experience, highlighting the...
Read MoreIn the latest episode of The Route, host Christopher Nascimento sits down with Filip Slatinac, the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Noibu, to delve into his remarkable career journey. From dropping out of school to self-teaching coding and eventually founding a successful tech company, Filip's story is one of perseverance,...
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